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8 Tips on Submitting Poetry to Literary Magazines
If you feel ready to share your poetry with readers, consider submitting it for publication in a literary magazine. Not only will the...

How Can You Publish Poetry?
If you’re here, you’re probably thinking about publishing your poetry, taking the next steps toward becoming a respected and read poet....

Five Ways to Publish Your Short Stories
As the author of a short story or a collection of short stories, you may be pleased to know that the popularity of short stories is on...

What Does a Literary Agent Do?
Whether you’ve just started writing the next great novel or have finished a collection of short stories or a nonfiction piece, you’ve...

Will a Publisher Change Everything About Your Manuscript?
Congratulations! You’ve written an amazing book, you’ve landed a publishing deal, and you’re on the road to success. Then you discover...

Can You Self-Publish If You’ve Published Traditionally Before?
For many debut authors, self-publishing has become the preferred route, and for good reason. Authors have more control over their work,...

How Do Advances and Royalties Work?
Whether you’re considering traditional publishing or self-publishing, you may be wondering what you can expect in terms of advances and...

Do You Need to Hire Your Own Cover Designer and Book Formatter?
It depends. Publishing houses oversee the cover design and interior formatting of books they publish, so authors aiming to secure a...

How Can You Market Your Book Effectively?
You worked hard writing, editing, and rewriting your book. You’re ready to publish and watch your book fly off the shelves, because a...

Should You Invest in Editing Services?
As an author interested in publishing a manuscript, you likely have pressing questions about the editing process. Is editing necessary...

Do You Need a Query Letter If You’re Self-Publishing?
If you’re new to the publishing world and are thinking about self-publishing, you may be wondering what a query letter is and whether you...

Thinking of Pitching a Book Series to Agents or Publishers?
Series are among the biggest money-makers in the publishing industry. Once readers latch on to a great series, they often stick to it...

From First Draft to Bestseller: How to Publish a Book That Will Hook Readers
So, you want to become a published author. It’s a noble dream, and despite the difficulties, it’s absolutely possible if you’re dedicated...

What Do Publishing Agents Look for in a Manuscript?
If you’re dreaming of becoming a published author, you need to know what publishing agents look for in a manuscript. Publishing agents...

Are You an Aspiring Author? Here’s How to Get a Book Published
Writing a book is only the first part of the publication process—unfortunately, you still have an incredible amount of work ahead of you....

9 Things You Need to Know Before Approaching Publishing Agents
Completing your manuscript is an admirable feat. You’ve achieved something many aspiring writers only dream of. The next step is getting...

What Synopsis Format Do Publishers Expect?
Writing a book synopsis is an unavoidable part of the publishing process. First, you send publishers your query letter—whether you write...

How to Publish a Book: Traditional vs. Indie Publishing
Writing a book takes imagination and skill, and with patience, dedication, and perseverance you can translate your ideas into a...

5 Tips for Pitching Your Manuscript to Christian Book Publishers
So you’ve written a Christian book, and you’re ready to take the next step. How do you find a Christian book publisher to get your...

How Long Should Your Book Synopsis Be?
So, after painstaking research to locate the right literary agent and hiring a professional to craft a professional query letter for your...
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